Pest Solutions Ltd are a fully accredited BPCA member and an experienced provider of Pest Control in Manchester and throughout the rest of the UK.

At nearly five hundred thousand inhabitants the city of Manchester has one of the biggest populations in Great Britain. The size of Manchester combined with its riverside location, canals,population and industrialised areas make Manchester a place susceptable to Pest Control issues.

A significant proportion of the modern day urban pests are common in the city of Manchester like Rats, Mice, Ants, Wasps, Cockroaches, Fleas, Bed Bugs Pigeons and Gulls. Many, which are largely dependent on proximity to us for their food supply from the waste we throw away.

We offer a extensive range of Pest Control, Bird Control and Hygiene Services all delivered by our experienced team of service and support staff. All work is carried out to the highest standard and in full complience with the British Pest Control Association guidelines. Pest Solutions Ltd are also an ISO9001 and ISO14001 qualified firm.

From home to business customers we are able to quickly and efficiently control many types of rodent, insect and bird pests including Rats, Mice, Ants Wasps, Cockroaches, Bed Bugs, Fleas Beetles, Pigeons, Gulls and more.

Pest Control in Manchester Call now for our 24 hour service on 0161 359 3403 or Freephone 0800 027 2555 today for a free survey.

Pest Control Manchester